It was hardly a decade back that customers shifted from making cash payments to plastic bank cards. It was seen as a convenient way of making payments without having to carry a wallet full of hard cash. Simply take the card and you are good to go! Presently, payment technology is evolving at a turbo-speed. Single bank card swipes have now turned into contactless taps and the much better version, In-App Wallets. So, even if the customers are using StyleSeat App Clone to book their salon appointment or get their morning brew at Starbucks, digital wallets have bypassed standing in queues to make cash payments.
Now, imagine that a customer has seamlessly booked their appointment at your salon using your Hair Salon Booking App. They visit the salon, spend some quality time getting a haircut, Indulge Deep Conditioning Treatment, and a Partial Balayage. They have spent more than 4 hours in your salon to give their hair a complete makeover. Even your salon staff has spent hours and worked on their toes to give the most satisfying experience to the customers.
Won’t it all go in vain, if at the end, the customers would have to wait and queue up at your busy salon cash counter?
With the StyleSeat App Clone, you can avoid everything. The In-App Wallet Payment Option feature lets the customers make payments in a hassle-free process! Even the salon can benefit from the feature.
- Customers can pay via In-App Wallet with a single tap.
- There’s an option for Top-Up via Credit Card or Debit Card.
- They can set their default payment via Card as well. The total billing amount will directly get deducted from their card when checking out of the salon.
- StyleSeat Clone Payments are powered by local payment gateways, making the transactions more secure than ever. No staff member or even the App Admin will have access to the Wallet or Card Details. Customer’s Card details are saved in the safe vaults of the Payment Gateway Company.
- Customers can add and manage multiple credit cards on the App and choose to pay any one of them by temporarily changing the setting to default for the particular Credit Card.
Salons with their own StyleSeat App Clone get the advantage of managing their clients more efficiently. The waiting-around time at the busy salon receptions has fallen to nil after In-App Wallet and auto-debit systems have been introduced. The clients can walk out of the salon as they now don’t have to spend time ‘paying’ for the services over the counter!
- Salons have bid goodbye to the front desk
The Salon Receptionists no longer have to remain chained to the front desks to collect payments. There is no need to pass on the card machines from one customer to the other.
- Adherence to Social Distancing
Covid-19 has made sure that people adhere to social distancing norms, reduce crowding around the counters, and more. Therefore, the cashless and cardless payments via Hair Salon Booking Apphave really helped much!
Tech Advancements have accelerated. It is high time that every salon gets their business online and adopts the latest technology in the market such as the StyleSeat App Clone.
So, if you are looking for the perfect online business solution for your salon, then you will have to discuss the application requirements with a professional White-Labeling Firm today!